Friday, March 1, 2013

I just barely got a new windows 8 laptop. So I think I should tell everyone what I think about the new operating system. First of all, I think that Windows 8 has potential but, it is so freaking hard to do anything I mean sure there are a lot of shortcuts and stuff. For an example, the other day when I first got the beautiful new Asus laptop. I had to search and search for at least 20 min till I found the power off button which is oddly hidden in the settings...... Whenever I get on it, I instantly switch to the Desktop instead of the stupid weird home screen.... I hoping in the next few weeks I will start to adjust to the new Windows........


One of the coolest things ever that I found out. Is that Bungie has officially teamed with Sony PS3...!! Which has never happened before. But this doesn't mean that it'll be a PS3 exclusive. It'll be released on all the major systems. But they haven't said anything about it being released on the Wii U. But no one cares about the Wii haha it completely sucked. The new that they will be releasing is called Destiney. It does't have anything to do with the Halo series. It does take place far into the future though. They are expecting this game to go as far a a decade. So I'm pretty stoked for it.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

More info on the PS4

Alright I just wanted to add a little more info on the PS4. It is expected to be out on the shelves around Christmas 2013. But the real Question is..... What is Xbox going to do to counter this huge blow? I'll tell you , They have for the past year been developing a new system also. The Xbox 720. We really don't know much about it. Microsoft hasn't said really anything. But since the announcement of the PS4 they have been rushing the final specs of the Xbox. So in my opinion I think that Sony will create the better and more desired product. We still don't know much so things might change. 

Here's a Pic of the new Dual Shock 4 controller. Which had a few new additions from the original PS3 controller Dual Shock 3. You can see a small screen in the middle of the controller, which is touch sensitive, I don't know what it really does besides change the point of view. But it seems like a good idea. They also added a share button which will enhance the online experience. By uploading videos to social media sites easily. One of the main things Sony wanted to focus on was integrating the gaming experience to phones, tablets, and computers.

My first Post!!!!

Alright this is officially my first post on Blogger... In honor of this occasion I'd like to talk a little about the new announced release of the PS4!!!!! Every single gamer out there should know at least a bit about this crazy new system. First, I'd like to say that I am quite excited... From what they said in the world-wide announcement. It'll the best gaming system out there.. With 8 gigs of RAM and almost 2 terabytes of memory, The best processor you could buy. It'll absolutely blow out each and every competitor!!!! Bye Bye Xbox and Wii you had a great run haha